Sponsorships are our highest level of advertising, and include ad opportunities you can get no other way. Sponsorships are on a show-by-show basis and include the following promotional opportunities:
To sponsor our theater, please click here to be taken to our advertising and sponsorship form.
If you'd like to discuss other ad options, ideas, or if you have any questions, please contact us at
sponsor@zigarts.org or call 855-944-2787 opt. 4

We offer many methods and levels of advertisement. Programs for Mainstage productions are distributed in Ogden and Park City (if production travels to The Egyptian Theater - Park City). Projection ads are displayed on the Ogden stage before performances and during intermission.
Program and projection ads can be submitted fully designed, or we can assist in designing an ad for you. Programs are printed in full color. Projection ads are also in color.
To purchase an ad, please click here to be taken to our advertising and sponsorship form.
If you'd like to discuss other ad options, ideas, or if you have any questions, please contact us at
sponsor@zigarts.org or call 855-944-2787 opt. 4